Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Types of Diamond Dressing Tools

Diamond is the hardest substance known on the earth. Jewelry made up of it is nice and fabulous. However, diamond is known more because of the shine it emits. The shine, that a diamond has, comes from shaping it with dressing tools. There are diverse types of diamond dressers. Some common ones are diamond chisel, single and multiple point-dressing tool, diamond plate, roller diamond dressing tool, etc. Such tools are most famous for industrial uses. This is so because the speed of cutting tools made up of diamond is more as compared to the conventional cutting equipments. No maintenance is required if diamonds tools are used. On the other hand, a conventional cutter needs to be maintained from time to time in order to make a perfect cut in a gemstone.

The speed of dresser tool is more if we compare it with other conventional means. This reduces the labor cost that might generate if a regular cutter is used for cutting or sharpening needs. One of the greatest advantages of any such dressing equipment is that it does not require any lubricant for cleaning purposes. Water is enough to clean-up the edges of tools.
Having diverse advantages, the percentage of diamond that is used widely in industries for performing cutting jobs is approximately eight percent. Besides making cutters from diamonds, it is also used in the form of powder and paste for precise applications in several industries. Diamond in the form of paste is used for polishing purposes. On the other hand, diamond in the powder form is used for cutting requirements of metallic and non-metallic elements.

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