Friday, 31 May 2013

Different Uses of Diamond Powder in Industry

Diamond is the most expensive gemstone known. It is desired most by the women in the form of jewelry. However, other than wearing this precious stone, it is used in diverse processes in the industry. However, diamond powderis used widely for shaping up the dresser made for giving shape to the diamond tools.Most of the diamonds that are mined along with diamond made artificially in laboratories are made into this form for employing it further as super abrasive. It is used to sharpen differ metallic tools that are made up of steel, iron or other materials. This Powderly material is fixed upon the top of a dressing tool to perform the job of cutting more significantly. The cut given by any such tool is sharper that the methods of employing traditional methods of cutting.

Diamond paste, on the other hand is made by grounding the diamondpieces. It is grinded until it gets uniformity. After that, it is mixed with a special kind of liquid, especially any binding agent. This glue like substance comes in a syringe to use in exact applications. Other that syringe, it is also filled in special pumps to use in diverse industrial processes. This substance is used for polishing needs of different metals. Metal blades, which are used for sharpening the diamond tools, also use this substance. Such pastes are ideal to be used on glass, ceramic, and mineral surface. Surfaces of materials listed here can also be cleaned with the same. Such tools are more preferred over conventional method of cutting and sharpening.    

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Types of Diamond Dressing Tools

Diamond is the hardest substance known on the earth. Jewelry made up of it is nice and fabulous. However, diamond is known more because of the shine it emits. The shine, that a diamond has, comes from shaping it with dressing tools. There are diverse types of diamond dressers. Some common ones are diamond chisel, single and multiple point-dressing tool, diamond plate, roller diamond dressing tool, etc. Such tools are most famous for industrial uses. This is so because the speed of cutting tools made up of diamond is more as compared to the conventional cutting equipments. No maintenance is required if diamonds tools are used. On the other hand, a conventional cutter needs to be maintained from time to time in order to make a perfect cut in a gemstone.

The speed of dresser tool is more if we compare it with other conventional means. This reduces the labor cost that might generate if a regular cutter is used for cutting or sharpening needs. One of the greatest advantages of any such dressing equipment is that it does not require any lubricant for cleaning purposes. Water is enough to clean-up the edges of tools.
Having diverse advantages, the percentage of diamond that is used widely in industries for performing cutting jobs is approximately eight percent. Besides making cutters from diamonds, it is also used in the form of powder and paste for precise applications in several industries. Diamond in the form of paste is used for polishing purposes. On the other hand, diamond in the powder form is used for cutting requirements of metallic and non-metallic elements.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Diverse Uses of Diamond Powder

Diamond is the hardest substance known to us. Apart from employing this precious stone for making jewelry, it is also used for cutting and sharpening purposes in several industrial processes. Diamond when mined comes as a raw material, which is further processed to either make jewelry or use in different industries. Jewelry made of diamond is needed to be polished with a compound known as diamond paste. This glue like substance is made by grinding this gemstone into fine pieces and then mixing it with water or any other binding agent. To bind this substance is required so that it can be filled into a syringe to use for precise designing requirement. This fixing agent is ideal to use on ceramic, glasses, mineral surface etc. It can also be used as a cleaning agent for surfaces of different materials.

Another form of diamond is employed as diamond powder that is used in dressing tools for giving a sharp edge to different metallic elements. This Powderly form of diamond is obtained by crushing this gemstone into fine pieces and then using it on the edges of cutting tools. Tiny pieces obtained are known as microns and the whole process is termed as micronization. In this process, special fluids are used to break down diamond molecules into fine pieces. As a result, of this process, tiny equal sized pieces are formed. Further, the uniformity of any of the substance on a diamond tools is important so that the cut that is being given to any piece of a material should be a sharp one

Monday, 13 May 2013

Diamond Dressing- Uses and Benefits

Women always adorn jewels. No matter whether it is made with gold, silver, or any other material. However, diamond is the most preferred gemstone if we talk about a women’s choice. Ever wondered from where such an expensive gem gets its shine. It comes when the precious stone is sharpened by diamond dressing tools. Apart from cutting this precious stone, this tool is also used in several industries for sharpening metal elements. It is interesting to note that the percentage of mined diamond that is being used for making jewelry is just twenty percent. Rest eight percent of the raw stone is used in industries for different purposes. Different tools like diamond electroplated machine, diamond saw blade, polycrystalline diamond compacts etc. are the other devices used for cutting edges of different metals. 
In the process of cutting this precious stone into fine pieces, diamondgrit is generally used. It is a pointed dressing tool used for minute designing in a gemstone. Fabricated with small pieces of this expensive stone, the biggest advantage of this tool is that it gives an outstanding sharpness to any piece that is being designed by it. There are diverse reasons for its popularity. First, it does not need any resetting as diamond particles are completely consumed, which results in reduction of inventory level. Low maintenance cost is another reason for its popularity in any industry. Resistance capacity of such tools is highly robust. These fine particles are used in the grinding wheels, which are being employed for cutting and shaping purposes of different metallic materials. 

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Industrial benefits of using diamond dressing tools

A dressing tool is widely used in industries to sharpen the grinding machines or gears. There are many gears having diamond stone or dust attached to their surface. These diamond dressing tools are used to make changes in many of the grinding wheels. They can be made according to a proper state of art technology and are used in many applications. The operation is used to condition the wheel so that it can perform all the functions perfectly. These gears are present in different shapes and sizes. Some have a wide tip while as others do have a narrow one. It is also used for finishing and making surfaces smooth. The tool should be used in a well manner because if there is any problem it may lead to irregularity of the surface.

Such diamond cutting tools have a good strength and thermal stability. With the proper use of such tools, drilling and cutting is becomes very easy. A huge range of tools is available in the market, which are made with proper precaution and care. So we can say now that diamond is not only used in jewelry but also in different other things. They can also be converted in the form of powders and pastes, which is stored in bottles and is used to provide a finishing touch to different types of metallic structures. Before buying any of the tools, it is good to check it out properly. Testing the tool before buying it is a very good option it ensures that the money you have spent is not going to be useless.