Diamond is the most expensive
gemstone known. It is desired most by the women in the form of jewelry.
However, other than wearing this precious stone, it is used in diverse processes
in the industry. However, diamond powderis used widely for shaping up the dresser made for giving shape to the diamond tools.Most of the diamonds that are mined along with diamond made artificially in laboratories
are made into this form for employing it further as super abrasive. It is used
to sharpen differ metallic tools that are made up of steel, iron or other
materials. This Powderly material is fixed upon the top of a dressing tool to
perform the job of cutting more significantly. The cut given by any such tool
is sharper that the methods of employing traditional methods of cutting.
Diamond paste, on the other hand is made by grounding the diamondpieces. It is grinded until it gets uniformity. After that, it is mixed with a
special kind of liquid, especially any binding agent. This glue like substance
comes in a syringe to use in exact applications. Other that syringe, it is also
filled in special pumps to use in diverse industrial processes. This substance
is used for polishing needs of different metals. Metal blades, which are used
for sharpening the diamond tools, also use this substance. Such pastes are
ideal to be used on glass, ceramic, and mineral surface. Surfaces of materials
listed here can also be cleaned with the same. Such tools are more preferred
over conventional method of cutting and sharpening.